Monday, March 2, 2015

Terrain V - Auldearn Village

Auldearn village and Kirk.  Buildings are light-weight extruded foam models originally produced by Hudson and Allen (now sold by Vatican Enterprises), mounted on thin sheets of MDF (1/8" thick) with Rendra plastic wattle fences. 

Auldearn Kirk is a (heavy) resin model originally manufactured by PMC Terrain/Games and called "Medieval Church". I picked this up on Ebay back in 2007 from seller "sellthatstuffboy" who was then acting as a manufaturer/re-seller for the PMC range.The kirk yard is decorated with plastic Renedra gravestones.


  1. Honestly, the village isn't that different now. Slightly bigger, but not by much. Don't forget to make the Do'cot on the west side of the village, just north of the road.

  2. Hi History PhD, yes, was back in Auldearn again this summer (got to walk full length of Garlic Hill as it was in pasture this year). Also had a good rummage round the village and can see how steep the rise was out of the boggy low ground between the church hill and garlic Hill. The modern town has spread pretty significantly into this drained low-lying area (all relative I suppose), especially the very new housing in Montrose's Hollow or Dell (can't recall name). We are planning a doocot (even though I have read the present doocot dates from late 17th century) as Castle Hil would not seem complete without it!
