Thursday, December 5, 2013

Command Base - Warlords Montrose

Sometimes it's easy to become a bit of a figure nazi.  Most of the stuff you see on this blog is either Perry or Eureka Miniatures - a lot of that is to do with size, what we've been looking for in poses or we just like the sculpts.  That being said there are many other great figures out there.

Warlord Miniatures fit well size-wise and if we hadn't bought all the lead before they released their ranges (yes we've been going that long) we would likely have used a lot more of their figures.  That being said, here's Warlords Montrose figure.

But who's to say it's the great man himself?  He could just be some other long haired fop and as such makes a nice addition to any command base.  I added him to some odd figures I had left around, making a nice wee "advancing" vignette.  So looks like some government troops are on the hunt for a dram.