Saturday, February 28, 2015

Terrain IV

Spent the last couple of meetings dry-brushing the terrain and making it come to life.  The grass took a couple of "lightening-up's" to really come out - the roads, having a bit more obvious texture, jumped out straight away.

Again, the light is problematic as can be seen in the shots below - all taken within about 3 minutes of each other.

We thought hard about how to represent the marshy areas which played such an important part in the battle, eventually just doing some washes and bespoke dry-brushing. - think it came out better than it may appear in the shots.

Detail around Castle Hill showing the texture that the toweling brings.

Based up some trees - mix of Woodland Scenic types and old GW.  CD's and steel washers provide the bases, allowing a little more stability.  All the exposed bark was painted - got away from the plastic sheen.

Had hoped to buy some rubberized horsehair ones but couldn't find a good supplier here in the states.


  1. That's really come to life now. It's amazing how simple applications can make such a difference.

  2. Very nice terrain to complement the very nice figures!

  3. Gentlemen - thanks for your comments - some cool stuff on the next post.
