Saturday, January 22, 2011

Covenanter Cavalry 1

Been a while since anything has been posted and even longer since it was relevant to the blog. However, now back into the swing of things and looks as if I'll have a good run at it for a while with only a few distractions. The photo below is a "good-faith" work in progress shot of all the "cuddies" for the covenanter cavalry. It's been a bit of a trial to get variety in colour and learn to paint them ala Foundry but I think they came out okay. My biggest problem is painting horses in batches of 6, so I mixed them up with some dark age stuff to make sure I got plenty variety of colours. This resulted in 19 Covenanter horses, plus 9 arab, 6 dark age scot's and 7 norman nags too!

My cohort in India has picked up his paints too, so some more Irish are in the offing. Rumour has it he might be moving to a new location so we can only wait to see if Montrose and Baillie finally get to grips!!


elcid1099 said...

Great progress, thats a lot of horses. And very nice brushwork on the nags. You got a jump on me by posting a WIP. Will have to add some paddy WIPs now.

Rank Bajin said...

Looking forward to seeing them Walter! Thanks for rejigging the blog format too.

Neil Scott said...

Some nice brushwork on the horses. I always find painting a variety of colours difficult

aka TheGreatMarquis said...

Great to see you back in the "real" world, guys, this site has been my inspiration since I first found it!



Rank Bajin said...

Thanks guys - been a good experiment with the foundry set - pity can't do some greys - would make the unit really monotonous!!

Dux Homunculorum said...

Great to see your Auldearn project progressing. Brilliant horses.

Anonymous said...

I liked your great posting of middle ages horses..

renaissance costumes